HL7 Version 3
Unlike HL7 messages, CDA documents are persistent records of medical information (such as diagnostic reports, discharge summaries , or lab reports), also based on an XML encoding. CDA supports free text as well as fully 26 http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/welcome.htm 6.5 Logical Tool Layer: Integration of Application Components 155 structured, machine-processable information. Document templates (so-called implementation guidelines) define CDA-based document structures for specific use cases such as a discharge summary or a radiology report @en |
health care specific xsd:string
152 xsd:positiveInteger
bb:chapter6-5 ↪ Logical Tool Layer: Integration of Application Components |
bb:HL7CDA ↪ HL7 CDA bb:HL7Version3Message ↪ HL7 Version 3 Message |
bb:TransinstitutionalHealthInformationSystem ↪ Transinstitutional Health Information System |
bb:HL7ReferenceInformationModel ↪ HL7 Reference Information Model |
meta:EntityType ↪ entity type |
HL7 Version 3 @en HL7 نسخه 3 @fa | |
bb:HL7Standard ↪ HL7 Standard |
inverse relations
sniko:bb ↪ Health Information Systems Ontology |